Sunday, August 2, 2015



July 18-19, 2015 West Windsor, Vermont. *  For anyone reading this race report please keep the following in mind.  Running an Ultra does not require athletic talent but instead requires mental tenacity.  One of the unexpected challenges in running an Ultra is that they are not necessarily easy to enter.  Typically there are qualification requirements. Obviously some of these qualifications at a minimum ensure that someone is serious and understands the toll it takes on the body and mind. Depending on the difficulty of the race, requirements can vary but typically they consist of having run specific other ultras within a certain time limit.  Even if you meet the qualifying standards, there is still typically a lottery system.  These lotteries exist because the races typically take place through national, state or private lands where not spoiling the terrain is important.  Plus given the distances involved logistics, support, weather changes & safety can be challenging in the best of circumstances.      
I go through all that as it is somewhat challenging trying to plan a race calendar when you are subject to changing qualifications and lottery odds.  
Earlier in the year I had put my name in for a couple 100 mile ultras but failed to be accepted in any of them.  I then put my name in the lottery for Massanutten 100 (MMT-100), Vermont 100 (VT-100) & Leadville 100 (LT-100).  As the fickleness of fortune would have it I went from famine to feast and was accepted into all 3.  This created a completely different dilemma.  
If I chose to run all 3, I would be running 3-100 mile races in a span of 91 days.  Even though I am a plodder who rarely has injuries, I know that is asking a lot of my body.  It is also very taxing mentally to gear up each time.  Each race presented its own unique obstacles but also an attractive siren song.  I had toyed with dropping one or even two but in the end, as with most decisions in my life, I winged it and just decided to go for it.  
I recovered fairly well following MMT-100 and felt physically prepared going into VT 100.  My goal was simple for VT-100 was fairly simple: enjoy, finish under 30-hours and emerge healthy and ready for LT-100.  Unfortunately a few days before I headed out for Vermont, I learned that you only received a belt buckle if you finished under 24-hours and if you finished between 24-30 hours, you received a plaque.  I could not shake the thought of sub 24-hours.  I know how my brain works.  it is like once a thought takes place it becomes rooted.  So my entire goal changed.  

I traveled to Vermont solo and did the race solo. I prefer running solo and doing difficult things by myself.  It is not always the best decision but I like the ownership factor of success or failure.  

VERMONT IS BEAUTIFUL.  The citizens are very friendly.  VT-100 is one of the 4 Grand Slams of Ultra Running.  The heat is usually a factor and the course is rolling hills.  Several of the signs and locations say 'mountains' but I am not sure if we were actually in the Green Mountains or not.  Nonetheless the hills were relentless.  
VT-100 Elevation Profile
One of the most unique and coolest aspects of this race is that there is a horse race over the same course at the same time.  The horses are Arabians and Appaloosa and are beautiful.  I dropped my race bags off for the different aid stations.  My bags are always amazingly small compared to other runners.  I use like Glad sandwich bags that contain gels, salt pills, ibuprofen, maybe later in the night my small LED flashlight, AAA batteries, headlamp but that about it.  I always see everyone else dropping off giant bags full of what...I have no idea.  I stayed for the pre-race meeting and it was touching to hear from a family and special needs child who benefit from the proceeds that go to support Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports (  Their mission is to provide youth and adults with disabilities gain a measure of self confidence and independence by participating in adaptive sports programs and activities.  I met my buddy Charles West at check-in who was camping at the race start. I did find it interesting they gave each runner a quick physical and weighed us.   

The race started at 4:00am (I believe the horses started at 5:00am). I believe 18 horses started the 100-mile race but only 7 of the horses completed the full 100-miles.  There were 324 registered 100-Mile runners filled with nervous vocal energy.  As always, my focus was internal calm to save the limited resources I had to expend.  

Perhaps my actual report on the race will be shorter than others.  I remember around miles 40-50 thinking to myself, "this will be an easy race report to write - first 40-50 miles awesome....then I quit at mile 60!'  
I felt awesome the first part of the race.  I found an easy early pace that I felt I could run forever.  The trails were awesome.  Wide packed dirt with some gravel and even the first couple hours at night my footing was sure and I could run without worrying about tripping.  I had my splits with me for each aid station.  The aid stations came in different categories:  1) a table with water, Gatorade and another electrolyte drink that escapes me; 2) the same with some snacks with a few volunteers; 3) the same with more options, plus our drop bags; 4) which was Camp 10 Bear which we hit at the 47 & 69 mile mark which also had medical personnel and required us to weigh in to make sure we had not lost too much weight or were unable to keep nutrients down.  

STAGE ROAD (30.3 miles - 6:23)
The first 30 miles were a breeze.  I felt great.  The scenery was beautiful and I was able to run up and down the hills.  In retrospect I was using up my quads more on the downhills but I was pursing sub 24-hours.  We ran across covered bridges, across rivers and waterfalls and through forests.  

I believe it was shortly before the 30 mile mark where we ran through some just gorgeous rolling grass fields colloquially referred to as 'The Sound of Music Meadow'.  We then eventually hit the 2nd of the fully staffed aid stations with our drop bags at Aid Station Stage Road.  At this point, I was well over 2 hours ahead of a sub 24-hour pace.  I ran down Stage Road crossed the road and then headed up the next hill.  There was something about this hill.  It was so very steep.  It was so very long.  It was through thick vegetation on the sides and on the ground but completely exposed to the sun. It was so very humid. It was so very hot.  I cannot tell you how much this one hill just seemed to drain me. I even took this picture about 2/3rds of the way up but it fails to capture how it hurt.  

 It took quite a while to recover.  I had to walk for a while even on the flat areas.  I had drank all my fluids on the ascent and I was trying to avoid becoming dehydrated.  From that point on I was just really really hot & soaking wet from sweat.  I was so sick of just being wet and I kept thinking about the large fluffy white towel I had in my car from the hotel and turning the AC on high.  I bounced back some and was again able to run, but I had felt the initial crack.  I was able to continue running fairly well. 

CAMP 10 BEAR #1 (47 mile - 10:32)
I made it to Camp 10 Bear family efficiently and holding it together fairly well.  They weighed me and I remember I had only lost 1-2 pounds.  My stomach was fine and I was able to process solids and liquids.  I could tell my quads were too sore too early but that was okay.  My feet were perfect with no hotspots or issues.  I even changed socks just to be safe.  It was now 4:30pm and I felt I only needed to be prudent for the next couple of hours and then let the temperature drop which would naturally make me feel refreshed.  I headed out.  The heat was just so oppressive.  I could feel myself fading and wilting under it.  It is hard to explain but I just felt cooked.  I kept running but it was taking way too much effort.  At this point, I could tell it was going to be a long day.  The next manned aid station was Margaritaville. 

BIRMINGHAM (54 mile)

MARGARITTAVILLE (58miles - 13:59) 

At this point I was starting to think about quitting.  I said think about quitting but in reality I do not know how to quit.  I am not saying this as a tough guy.  I am saying this as a logistics guy.  if I quit what happens?  How quickly do I get back to the start or my hotel?  I have always seen people who quit at various aid stations but I would not want to quit then just sit around.  It feels just as bad to me moving as it does sitting so I just keep moving.  By this aid station, my personality had morphed into Mr. Hyde.  I would like to blame it on a lack of glucose in the blood/brain but I think at some point mental physical misery just makes you ill.  I was pissed off that all the aid station workers were having fun drinking alcohol and partying.  They were great and did everything we needed but they were having fun and misery loves company.  It was at this aid station, the diarrhea hit me.  There was a port-a-potty and spectators and others were in line but they always let the runner go ahead of them.  I started out again filling terrible.  Now I knew the death march was beginning and I absolutely hated the prospect of that thought.


Talk about a blessing and a curse.  Around 7:00pm, I could occasionally start hearing some distance rumblings.  A couple times I thought it was approaching but nothing materialized.  At 8:00pm on the dot (I looked at my watch) the heavens opened and a deluge fell from the skies along with thunder and lightning.  I love running in the rain.  The rain felt so refreshing and brought me back to life...but it was Fool's Gold.  The trails immediately turned into creeks, bogs and mud that threatened to pull your shoes off your feet.  It is always amazing when running mountain trails how quickly they can deteriorate in rain.  The rain only lasted about 30-45minutes but it was enough.  My shoes and feet were soaked and I could quickly feel the blisters begin on my feet.  The hot spots, the build pain, the pressure, the release of pressure and relief only to then be followed by the feeling of separation of layers of epidermis.  Familiar and fatal to mobility.  It sucks and hurts.  A lot of pain goes away with time but skin tearing and re-tearing on the bottom of raw wet feet does no alleviate.  

CAMP 10 BEAR #2 (70miles - 17:14)

I returned to Camp 10 Bear and given the diarrhea and my having to refrain from eating too much I was worried about my weight loss.  In reality, at the point the bigger worry was maintaining balance standing on the scale.  I had to hold onto the medical staff and I was allowed to continue.  I did not want to continue.  I remember looking over at 6-8 runners in the medical area on the cots wrapped in blankets looking like corpses.  I was SOOOO envious.  I just wanted to stop but I could not figure out how to stop.  I am so thankful it is not east to stop.  If we ever invent teleportation, I seriously believe it will be the end of endurance athletics.  Most of the runners picked up their pacers at this point but I was running solo, so I headed out alone into the dark.  I do not mind being alone.  I do not mind the dark.  But I do mind knowing I am looking at a 30 mile walk!   Did I say I wanted to quit?

I like running at night but I was walking in the night.  I do not remember a lot of specifics during these long races especially at night.  I think I spend most of my time staring at my footing plus the lighting of the headlamp or flashlight almost has a hypnotic effect.  It become almost like a metronome.  I do remember a couple specific things.  
1) The day had been so hot and humid, then with the thunder shower, when night fell there was a thick palpable fog in the air.  The headlamp made the fog thicker and it looked and felt like a curtain. You could see the particles flowing like rivers in the air.  I had experienced this at Rocky Raccoon 100-Miler and it can be disorienting.  I turned my headlamp off and used the small LED flashlight I carried.  I was able to carry it at my hip level and undercut much of the fog.  I came across a military guy who was falling side to side staggering.  When I got to him him I asked how he was doing.  He said he was disoriented from the fog.  I told him to take his headlamp off and put it in his hand to try and get lower under the fog and to change his visual perspective.  I do not know if it helped or if he finished.  
2) Even though I had turned my headlamp off, it was still on my head.  I hated that headlamp.  It was soon aggravating.  It felt like an anaconda squeezing my brain.  Its just another example how when you are miserable...everything is miserable.
3) I came across a girl who was really really struggling.  Of course I was not doing too well myself. The first thing I noticed was she had her headlamp facing straight up.  She was walking more side to side then she was forward.  I eventually caught up to her.  I selfishly wanted to pass her and move on as I lacked any energy to provide any useful assistance.  I knew behind me were a runner who had a pacer with him.  As I caught up with the girl she kind of stumbled toward me.  Drawn to me liked a burned moth on its last legs to a flame.  She went side to side behind me.  I knew she needed help but I honestly did not know how to help her.  Thee was no aid station, I had no way of doing anything meaningful.  I kept moving forward.  I looked back and at some point she feel to the ground and I could hear her vomiting.  At that point she was closer to the runner and pacer than to me.  I stopped.  If they did not stop to help her, then I would go back.  They stopped so I continued on.  At the next aid station I stuck around long enough to ask them how she was.  She was dehydrated and they stopped her at the next aid station as she was disoriented.  

The first aid station I reached at the beginning of daylight I dumped everything.  My lights, shirt, batteries, headlamp....I was so glad to get rid of that headlamp!
I do not remember taking this picture but it was somewhere around mile 85.  
I never feel like, "Hey I have run 85 miles I am almost done."  It always feels like, "I do not know how on earth I can go another 15 miles?"

FINISH (100miles - 28:39:29)
I just kept moving forward. I never had an epiphany where I knew it was in the bag.  It seemed like the hills never stopped.  Even up to the finish there was always another hill.  
I love this sign.  It says '1 to go'.  Sounds so simple and easy.  Just remember at this point I am moving so slow its probably a 15-20 minute mile pace.  I used to be able to run a 5k faster than I can go 1 mile.  I could die before I cover that 1 mile.  

I spent time in the medical tent having my feet drained and bandaged.  Another runner's girl friend brought me a cheeseburger, which I can honestly say was the tastiest cheese burger I have ever eaten. Its fun listening to all the stories in the M.A.S.H. Unit.  Of the 324 registered runners, 221 finished with 72 running solo. Its a beautiful course, in a beautiful part of the country with friendly people, well organized and volunteers.  If you are ever thinking of running VT-100, I recommend it!!!

I finished.  I missed almost every goal I set.  But I am thankful for having had the amazing experience and opportunity.  I know I am blessed.  I subject myself to suffering on a voluntary basis unlike the children and adults Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports support who suffering every moment.  I will never complain, for I am always cognizant of the blessings in my life.  


*As always, I write these 1) so I can try and capture the memories while they are fresh, 2) leave some autobiographical history for my children and 3) some people may actually be interested.

Saturday, May 30, 2015



MMT-100 Belt BuckleMMT-100 Belt Buckle
May 16-17, 2015, George Washington National Forest, Shenandoah Valley, VA -  The race is called the Massanutten 100 (MMT100) but the official distance of the race 103.7 miles. If I had truly known how difficult this race was, I doubt I would have attempted it. From research after the race I discovered it was ranked the 8th Hardest Ultra in the USA. I decided to run this race solo & entered the solo division, meaning no support crew, pacers or listening devices.  The race had 15 Aid Stations (AS) with 11 where we could drop off small bags with any special needs.  The 11 bags I dropped off each had 10 ounces of beet juice, 2 Gu Roctane Gels, 2 S-Caps and then depending on my anticipated time of arrival, small flashlight, headlamp, long sleeve shirt, extra batteries and/or Aleve.  I will discuss how I used these during the race.
MMT-100 HeadquartersMMT-100 HeadquartersI arrived at the race check-in Friday, deposited my AS bags & picked up my packet.  Ironically the very first person I met at the check-in was Gary Knipling. Dr. Knipling is a legend in ultra running.  He has run MMT-100 over 17 times, completed the Grand Slam (Leadville, Western States, Vermont & Wasatch in the 10 week window!).  In the 2006 MMT-100, Dr. Knipling & Kerry Owens were featured/followed in the film “Massanutten:Two Runners, 100 Miles.”  I bought the DVD prior to running MMT-100 & watched it to get mentally psyched up for the race. Dr. Knipling is 70 years young still runs 100 mile races.
Gary KniplingGary Knipling

I made a last minute decision that worked fairly well for me.  I really did not want to run with a vest for my hydration so I just used the bottle and stuffed it down the back of my pants. 

StartStartThe race began at 4:00am at Caroline Furnace Camp. 199 of us started and headed out across a meadow.  I could immediately tell this was a much more experienced running crowd, as there was none of the attendant yelling, talking, singing, etc…  We headed out across the field. The weather was awesome at close to 60 degrees with high humidity.  The first 4 miles of the race were basically uphill mountain crushed gravel service roads that would take us to the trail.  My goal was simply to reach each Aid Station ahead of the prescribed time cutoff and try to accumulate a larger cushion at each cutoff.

#1 AS Moreland Gap (4.1 miles - 4.1 total)
This was basically a water stop as we entered the Massanutten Mountain Trail.  There was no time cutoff to reaching this point and I was just keeping up with a group of runners.  I do not like to chat during a race as it wastes my energy so I did my typical hanging back but close enough to listen. 

#2 ASEdinburg Gap (8.1miles - 12.1 total)
I remember this portion because the Whipporwhills (nocturnal bird) were so noisy.  It seemed like they were right on top of us. I also could hear a bunch of owls.  After a couple miles of fairly inclined trail running this quickly became an incredibly rocky march/climb up the mountain in the dark. I was the lead climber in a group of about 5 guys, 2 were vetrinarians as I had listened to their conversations earlier. I asked if anyone wanted to pass me but they said they liked the steady pace I was maintaining.  The sunrise was not spectacular as I was not where I could see it but the lighting of the forest was quietly beautiful.
Cutoff for Edinburg 7:50am / my arrival 7:05am = +45mins

#3 AS Woodstock Tower (8.2 miles - 20.3 total)
As with every one of these sections the pattern persisted, we left an AS headed a couple thousand feet up rocky, muddy, wet (or actual streams) mountain trails, across the rolling ridgeline and then back down similar single track to the next aid station. The elevations were basically between 500-3,000 feet with roughly 11 summits. Altitude profileAltitude profileI fell pretty hard at mile 15.  I strained my left arm but luckily nothing involving my legs.  The fall was enough to scare & remind me I was on my own. By this point, the worst part of the entire run started to become apparent.  The horseflies slowly and relentlessly began swarming.  They were awful & I felt I was locked in a battle of wills.  Oddly they kept biting my left shoulder.  They were like a plague.  I remember at one point if I had been in the Civil War in the Army of Northern Virginia, marching in these woods, in wool uniforms, with all these dang horseflies, I would have deserted!  It is amazing how something as small & unanticipated as horseflies can have such a negative impact on your attitude.
Woodstock TowerWoodstock Tower
Cutoff for Woodstock Tower 10:30am / my arrival 9:32am = +58mins

#4 AS Powells Fort (5.6 miles – 25.8 total)
It was during this section that the heat really started to become an issue.  I could hear the runners around me who had run the race previously begin to talk about how hot the weather was becoming.  We were running in mid 80s, in the shade but it was the fact we had close to 100% humidity and absolutely no breeze with all the surrounding canopy.  I was dripping sweat.  It was at this point I realized I had miscalculated carrying only one water bottle with me.  I began stopping at the stream crossings, splashing water on my arms, neck, face, head and soaking my shirt.  It was refreshing but not sure it had any significant anatomical affect.  It was at this AS, the beet juice I had planned on drinking at each AS became more and more difficult. Beet juice is bad.  Warm beet juice is horrible.  Hot beet juice is damn near caustic.
Powells FortPowells Fort
Cutoff Powells Fort 12:10pm / my arrival 11:01am = +69mins

#5 AS Elizabeth Furnace (7.5 miles – 33.3 total)
This was one of my favorite early sections as several miles were on logging type road and fairly flat.  I was able to actually run, yet the heat was really becoming an issue for everyone.  When we arrived at this AS, I saw many runners who were in really bad shape and were already beginning to call it quits. I tried to drink as much as I could and decided to walk right off the bat for a while to give the fluid a chance to be absorbed. I took my time at this AS as I knew I was heading into the hottest part of the day.  I drank my beet juice (last beet juice I drank for today), drank lots of water & gatorade, iced up, packed my Roctanes, grabbed a couple dill pickle slices and headed out.  Immediately as I left Elizabeth Furnace, I felt horrible.  I was dehydrating.  I was walking but was in trouble.  After about a mile, I heard the distance rumble of thunder but unfortunately felt a storm brewing in my bowels.  I detoured about 20 feet off the trail.  I found a tree to squat behind but also to hold onto so I could lean back.  Any ultra runner recognizes this as the traditional evacuation position.  My bowels exploded and just as I was through and starting to feel better, I violently vomited several times until I was just dry heaving.  It seemed everything liquid I had consumed during the race had just left my body.  The good news was I felt better and I could tell it was getting ready to rain.  The bad news was obviously I was dehydrated and was in a dicey situation if I expected to finish this monster.  I decided to be conservative and if push came to shove I would drink stream water from the higher elevations as it was very clear and less likely contaminated.  The rain felt wonderful.  Unfortunately the rain quickly made the streams murky from the runoff.  I decided to hold out the best I could.
Cutoff Elizabeth Furnace 2:30pm / my arrival 1:19pm = +71mins

#6 AS Shawl Gap Parking (4.7 miles – 38.0 total)
I actually made it to this AS without losing hardly anytime I had accumulated.  I was surprised given my condition.  I took my time at this AS & drank lots of water & as much fluid as possible.  My plan was to walk for 15 minutes before running trying to simply absorb.  I also only had 3.1 mile to the next AS.  The distance was not always the issues but the terrain.  I was worried about the upcoming section as I had talked to a guy previously who failed to finish the previous year and he said he failed to meet the cutoff for Veach Gap.
Cutoff Shawl Gap 4:10pm / arrival 3:00pm = +70mins

#7 AS Veach Gap Parking (3.1 miles – 41.1 total)
This turned out in my opinion to be the easiest and most unable section.  It was a crushed gravel mountain road and I ran almost the entire time.  I felt great.  I was hoping my system had some how miraculously bounced back after the great purge!  I passed numerous runners and accumulated 30mins of cushion!  Shocking!
Cutoff Veach Gap 5:05pm / arrival 3:20pm = +105mins

#8 AS Indian Gave Trailhead (9.0 miles – 50.1 total)
I thought this was the most difficult section for me.  The path up the mountain was one giant climb diagonally up the side of one of the faces of the mountain.  You could see up the climb and it just appeared to go on forever without being able to see the top.  it was mentally intimidating.  I just grabbed ahold of my compression shorts, stared at my feet & just methodically kept putting one foot after another. It was a complete grind.  Eventually we reached the top.  it was at the top of this mountain across the ridge line where I found the black snake on my path.  I was exhausted and of course I could not let pass an opportunity to catch a snake.  Here is a photo from the video I have previously posted.  SnakeSnake The snake was a great distraction as it reminded me I was supposed to be having fun!
Cutoff Indian Grave NONE / arrival 6:45pm

#9 AS Habron Gap Parking (3.9 miles – 54.0 total)
I had also been told my another runner when I got to Habron Gap to each as much as possible because getting to Camp Roosevelt was a long section in time and distance and would need the energy. I took this advice to heart.  I ate 2 cups of soup, some grilled cheese, an ice cream sandwich & took a bean & cheese burrito with me.  I rehydrated and filled everything up as best I could and started back up the mountain.  I had also placed a small LED flashlight in my bag just in case.  I had optimistically (and unrealistically) hoped to reach Camp Roosevelt pro to sunset, which is where I placed my headlamp.  I also noticed when I took my LED flashlight out of the bag it was already on and appeared to be weak.  Sigh!  I did not know how long the battery life would be.  I had about 30-45mins but the forest would be dark.  I conserved my flashlight.  Once evening set in and I ran into other runners, they kept asking me about why I did not have better lighting.  I explained my predicament and most were kind enough to hover around me before I passed them or they passed me to share the lighting.  It was another example of poor planning on my part and I hope I was not going to self-destruct.
Cutoff Habron Gap 9:00pm / arrival 7:57pm = +63mins

#10 AS Camp Roosevelt (9.8 miles – 63.8 total)
I arrived at Camp Roosevelt and this was a significant milestone to me.  I had heard some veterans mention that if you could get to CR in good shape with a good cushion you had a great shot of finishing.  I noticed at this AS, several runners around me were quitting and it was not because of injuries but just a lack of will.  I took my time to eat well, grab my headlamp and head out for the night time labours.  I was feeling optimistic but each successive climb was taking a greater and greater toll on me physically in particular my feet.
Camp RooseveltCamp Roosevelt
Cutoff Camp Roosevelt 1:15am / arrival 11:27pm = +108mins

#11 AS Gap Creek/Jawbone 1 (5.8 miles – 69.6 total)
I had heard one of the female veteran runners mention she thought the climb through Gap Creek I was the hardest part of the race for her in years past.  (FYI she was one of the runners who this year DNF).  The climb was rough but it was at night so I was not really sure what it looked like.  I did know that this portion of the race was basically a large circle that sent us out and around and eventually back through this area during daylight.  It was also the beginning of where it seemed several of the 'trails/paths' we ran were rocky streams. No way to even try and keep the feet dry.  Just at times a mile or moe or running through rocky streams made muddy from the sporadic rain showers.  My feet were raw.  They ripped with each step. This is where you can see I started given back significant time to the course.  I could maintain a steady pace climbing and even on flat sections.  It was anything downhill that kept causing my skin to separate from my feet and the nerves were raw.
Cutoff Gap 1 3:45am / arrival 2:15am = +90mins

#12 AS Visitor Center (8.5 miles – 78.1 total)
This section just seemed to go on forever.  I lack a lot of specific memories as I ran it in the early morning hours and was just trying to make the next cutoff.
Cutoff Visitor Center 7:30am / arrival 6:14am = +76mins

#13 AS Bird Knob (3.5 miles – 81.6 total)
This section had probably the worst steepest climbs of the course.  They were short but even I could not maintain a steady pace up them evenly slowly.  I say that with some pride as although I am not fast I am strong and usually do not have to stop on a climb but can pace myself and methodically push up.  At this point and with these steep climbs, I would occasionally need to stop for 10-20 seconds to lower my heart rate just a bit.  Another runner and I were pushing forward together without speaking.  The mountain kept tricking us.  We thought we had submitted only to have another spur taking us higher.  My feet were such a huge problem.
Cutoff Bird Knob NONE / arrival 7:50am

#14 AS Picnic Area (6.4 miles – 87.9 total)
Mentally I kind of zoned out on this section.  My Garmin had long been dead and I had no way of knowing how far or fast I was traveling.  I tried to maintain a sense of urgency but although my mind was willing the pain in my feet was over ruling everything else.  It was around this time that I started to worry from a purely physical standpoint if I was going to be able to finish.  The pain in my feet was increasingly difficult to block out. The AS workers told me I was in great shape with plenty of time, almost an hour, but I knew I was rapidly losing time back to the course.
Cutoff Picnic Area 11:00am / arrival 10:05am = +55mins

#15 AS Gap Creek/Jawbone II (8.9 miles – 96.8 total)
I finally made it back to this section.  The last 1-2 miles to Gap Creek 2 was on crushed gravel mountain road.  I was able to jog as I knew I was dramatically losing time and I need to gain or hold onto as much of a cushion as possible. I had hoped to reach this AS and head out with a solid 60min of cushion.  I arrived at this last AS.  I drank & ate anything and everything I could find with sugar and/or caffeine looking for whatever last boost of energy I could find.  I also continued taking advil, aleve, aspirin, tylenol or whatever pain killers I could scrounge from any spectators.  The AS were not allowed to dispense any medication for liability purposes.
Cutoff Gap II 2:00pm / arrival 1:28pm = +32mins

FINISH - Caroline Furnace Camp (6.9 miles – 103.7)
People ask me why I do these long events.  This right here is the answer.  I had been on my feet for over 30 hours, no sleep, vomitted, diarrhea, alone, fatigue, pain, despair, etc...  The easy thing was to quit. My body had quit several times.  My body had been telling my brain it was time to quit.  That it was but to quit.  Even my brain agreed that it was better for the organism to quit.  But I want to see at these moments how do I react.  I had 2 and a half hours to run 7 miles.  That sounds so easy.  I started back up the mountain.  There were 2 women in front of me. A runner and her pacer.  Both had ski poles.  They looked like they were flying up the mountain.  I tried to push.  They quickly disappeared.  I knew there were a handle full of runners behind me.  I knew If I could get through theses early miles of brutal climbs, I would eventually exit onto the mountain gravel road with 4 miles largely downhill to the finish.  All I kept thinking about was getting to the road.  My feet were raw throbbing stumps & my shoes had long since fallen apart. I remember thinking if I saw a bear I would hobble toward him hoping he would put me out of my misery.  I heard voices behind me.  That simply meant other runners were catching me as I struggled.  Two more ladies caught me.  Again another runner with her pacer and they both had ski poles.  They offered to each give me a pole with I find so kind but politely refused.  Again they seemed to pass me like they were running 4 minute miles.  I eventually exited the forest.  I got to the road with 55mins left to run 4 miles (I had finally turned on my iPhone to use the clock, nothing else worked).  I knew the remaining route was largely downhill as we had run uphill to this point to start the race.  I stood for a second looking to my left, which was uphill a couple hundred feet to the crest and then appeared downhill from that point.  To my right was downhill and then curved out of sight. I was delirious, dehydrated, in pain and knew I was not in the best from of mind to be making decisions.  Nothing looked familiar as we had run this section at night.  There were no landmarks, houses, signs, cars or runners anywhere.  I headed right.  I ran with deliberate speed hoping to simply catch sight of the runners who had passed me so I would know I was going the correct direction.  Two cars came around the bend and passed me going the other direction.  My immediate thought was they were heading to the finish line to pick up their runners, meaning I was running the wrong way.  I continued to run with purpose.  After running about a mile I cam around bend toward the bottom of a swale and I Could see a great distance ahead of me.  I did not see any other runners. I cannot express the despair that overcame me in that instance where I determined I had turned the wrong way.  There was a pile of gravel rocks on the side of the road and I just sat down.  I had run over 100 miles, for over 35 hours & I screwed it all up by turning the wrong way.  it was too late to head back the other way plus I was broken.  I guess that was the best word to use.  I was not mad.  I was just done and broken and finished.  I tried to rationalize, "If a car comes by you can have them drive you the equal distance from here to the other side from where you exited the woods!"  I was bargaining with myself.  Thankfully no car came by and I was not presented with that choice.  I just sat there.  It seemed like forever.  I was wondering how do I even get back to the finish to get my truck.  I was just staring down at the ground.  All of a sudden I heard a guy say, "You okay?"  I was so startled.  He was running and there was a girl about 50 feet behind him with a race number.  I jumped up and asked, "Are we heading the right way?'  He said yes but that we needed to probably average 10:00 minute miles to beat the cutoff.  I was now angry that I might not finish because I had stopped.  The anger though squeezed the last remaining drops of adrenaline out.  I put my head down, leaned dramatically forward, over pumped my arms and started chugging.  There were still some uphill sections of the road but I never stopped.  I was hot and knew I was dehydrated as my skin was dry and I was not sweating. I knew the sign I was looking for that would take me up the final dirt road.  Around every bend I looked for it, to no avail.  I eventually did pick up the gentleman with whom I had run Bird Knob.  He was spent too and trying.  So it was the girl, her pacer, the guy and I trying to make it all being led by me.  I finally came around a corner and won about a quarter mile I could see the splint in the road we needed to take.  I yelled to the others.  I kept running as it was going to be close.  At the split, we had to run up a dirt clay road which was super slippery from the rain.  I could not run up it as it was so slippery.  I had to move to the edge of the forest so I had some traction.  We had to run about a quarter mile straight up.  A car was leaving and they said we were close, "Only 2 bridges & the meadow!"  That was not necessarily reassuring as I did not know how far that was and I know the time was expiring.  The path through the woods seemed quite long util finally it bottomed out and we crossed 2 small bridges.  We emptied the forest perpendicular to the finish but a large square the size of a quarter mile had been staked into the meadow to bring us around to dramatically enter the finish line and give the announcer and spectators the opportunity to cheer.  I remember when we appeared out of the woods everybody started yelling, "YOU HAVE 4 MINUTES!  HURRY!  4 MINUTES!" I still was not sure I was going to finish.
Finish 1Finish 1
Finish 2Finish 2
Cutoff Finish 4:00pm / arrival 35:57pm = +3mins! Only 60% completed.  40% DNF Rate.


I put my feet through a lot but they carried me 103.7 miles in under 36 hours so I would be remiss if I did not post them too!
Right Foot (top)Right Foot (top)
Left Foot (top)Left Foot (top)
Right Foot (bottom)Right Foot (bottom)
Left Foot (bottom)Left Foot (bottom)
Left Foot (post op)Left Foot (post op)
Right Foot (post op)Right Foot (post op)

*As always, I write these 1) so I can try and capture the memories while they are fresh, 2) leave some autobiographical history for my children and 3) some people may actually be interested.